Wii U Nightmare


My name is Olivia.
You may not agree with me, but the Wii U is one of my favorite modern Nintendo consoles of all time next to the Switch. Yes, it had a bunch of crappy shovelware on it, but it just had this charm to it.
And it wasn't all bad! It got really fun games like Wind Waker HD and Mario Kart 8! Speaking of those games...
It was a Wednesday. I had just gotten home from school and got ready to play MK8, as usual. But, that night, something weird happened... 

Mario Kart 8

One day, I was playing my favorite game, Mario Kart 8, when all of a sudden, the game glitched out and reset my Wii U. Weird colors were everywhere, and I found it strange. The game and my Wii U had been working fine up to now, and it seemed to work fine after that. However, on an online matched, a glitched player appeared, and his name was ßud6Œ&#k and it said he was from France. His mii had black eyes, black messy hair, and pale skin. He had a frown, and he looked like he was crying. I have no idea how that is possible in the Wii U Mii Maker. I found it odd, as that doesn't normally happen, but I stayed anyway out of sheer curiosity.
The round started, and the track was Electrodome. As soon as the glitched player appeared on screen, the game crashed.
And what was odd was that same player would appear on every server I joined, and the name would be different every time, but the Mii would be the same.
I told my sister about this, because she's a lot better with games and technology and whatnot. Not even she could explain it and thought I was lying. I would play the game with her, but for some reason the glitched player never showed up. So she just thought I was pulling her leg. I gave up.
This kept going on for months, until the glitched player disappeared. Then, another player kept appearing who's name was "HELPME". Oddly enough, there were other people who kept showing, their names were " IM" and "TRAPPED". " HELP ME I'M TRAPPED." Weird...

Wind Waker HD

An NPC kept appearing which looked exactly like the Mii from Mario Kart, but in Wind Waker style.
He kept saying... "HELP ME. I'M TRAPPED. GET ME OUT OF THIS LIVING HELL." He wasn't a glitch. He was... something... Something I don't know about...

The Mysterious Game

One day, some game appeared on the Wii U menu. It was called "MY HOME." I opened the game. It was just a black room, with the mii staring at me. It was staring into my soul. After about, like, 3 minutes, a textbox in french appeared:
"Serez-vous celui ? Serez-vous celui pour me libérer, Olivia ?"
I put it in Google Translate and it said... "Will you be the one? Will you be the one to free me, Olivia?"
I have no idea how he knew my real name, because my Mii's name is Tomato. Maybe he heard it while I was talking to myself to motivate myself, like "C'mon, Olivia! You can do it!" kind of thing.
Then, he got up. He started to tap on the screen. "Can you hear me?" He said. No textboxes, it was an actual voice. He even had a French accent.
"The title may say "MY HOME," but I don't want this to be my home. She is hiding me from you." He said.
"...my sister?" I asked.
"Yes." He said.
My sister was pretending that he wasn't there?
I quickly dragged my sister into my bedroom so she could see this.
"You're not supposed to see that." She said. She immediately turned off the Wii U, then left the room.
I quickly turned it back on, and returned to the game.
"Tell me more about this." I said.
Then a textbox appeared, and it said:
"It all started when the Wii U arrived. You immediately plugged it in. You let your sister try it while you were gone... then she found me. She was hiding me from you ever since she found me because she thought it would ruin your life. She also told me you were very mean, but now I finally get to meet you and you seem like a nicer person... Nicer then your sister anyway."
I felt bad for the poor guy. I didn't even know his name, but I started feeling all sad inside for him. I then got my hammer, smashed the Wii U and inside, was a keychain of a character that looked exactly like the Mii, but less pale and his hair was less messy and brown. It had a name written on the back:



After I woke up the next day, there was a box and a letter in front of my door. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I have a gift for you so I can repay you.
I opened the box, and it was a new Wii U. I checked inside, no keychain, nothing out of the ordinary. It was a normal Wii U, with all the old games I had on there. It also came with Super Mario Galaxy 2 for the Wii, so that was nice.
Thank you too, Lowell.